Creative Business-y Websites, Workshops and Webinars - Getting Clarity for Your Business
Here is a roundup of some of the websites, webinars, blogs, and workshops that the members of the Creative Business League recommend:
Tradeshow Bootcamp
Launched in the spring of 2011 by Katie Hunt of Kelp Designs, Tradeshow Bootcamp offers webinar and in-person workshops to help small businesses prepare for the wholesale market and large scale tradeshows. We cover everything from booth logistics, product development, creating sales tools such as catalogs, order forms and line sheets, working with sales reps, feedback from retailers and the media as well as general business courses throughout the year.
Get Media Happy
Created by Andreea Ayers of Launch Grow Joy. As a member, you’ll gain DIRECT access to media opportunities from some of the most influential magazines, editors and bloggers out there. The result? You’ll not only save heaps of time, build your email list and grow your social media following, but gain the kind of credibility that’ll set you apart as a market leader.
Practical Pinning
Practical Pinning is a four week, online course that will help you master Pinterest once and for all. Brought to you by online business owners, Dannielle Cresp and Megan Auman have seen the power of Pinterest first hand. In the last year, we’ve managed to grow our Pinterest audiences by a combined 52,000 followers! And we’ve harnessed those followers to drive traffic back to our respective websites, increase mailing list subscribers, and drive sales.
Creative Live
Free, online, live workshops that empower you to unleash your potential by bringing the world’s greatest experts directly to you, live. Featuring workshops in photography, video, design, business, audio, music, and software training, Creative Live unlocks previously closed doors by making dynamic education accessible to everyone. Don't worry, if you can't tune in for the whole live workshop, you can download it to watch anytime for a reasonable fee.
Indie Retail Academy
Clare Yuille, a retailer, is the founder of Indie Retail Academy and the go-to retail coach for artists and designers who want to get wholesale right first time. She helps creative people get their products onto indie retailers’ shelves in a way that’s non-icky (for them) and non-terrifying (for you.)